Per OSHA, Inspections shall be made by a competent person and should be documented. The following guide specifies the frequency and conditions requiring inspections:
- Daily and before the start of each shift;
- As dictated by the work being done in the trench;
- After every rainstorm;
- After other events that could increase hazards, e.g. snowstorm, windstorm, thaw, earthquake, etc.;
- When fissures, tension cracks, sloughing, undercutting, water seepage, bulging at the bottom, or other similar conditions occur;
- When there is a change in the size, location, or placement of the spoil pile; and
- When there is any indication of change or movement in adjacent structures.
For additional information, see OSHA Technical Manual (OTM) Section V: Chapter 2 (Special Health and Safety Considerations).
At Ron Meyer & Associate Excavating, Inc, we’ve been providing underground and commercial construction to private and commercial businesses for 39 years. As the general contractor or subcontractor, our experienced foremen, equipment operators, pipe layers, truck drivers and well-maintained equipment fleet make us an undeniable choice for your excavating services. Let’s talk about your project!

As 45 years of experience as an underground/site contactor and a third generation contractor, Ron takes time to go through each individual project with the supervisor and is responsible for all scheduling and equipment logistics. He’s also involved in all troubleshooting for projects.