Zeeland Townships new 28 lot residential subdivision.
The project scope of work included By-pass road renovations for the very busy Byron Road. The by-pass construction was performed under a must complete 2 week schedule demanded as a result of the closing of the MDOT M-6 highway project. The by-pass incorporated extensive scheduling including coordination with the Ottawa County Road commission, Michigan Department of Transportation and Zeeland Township authorities. Staff and equipment for this phase of the Trailside development project included 3 pipe crews and support equipment totaling as much as 21 men on site at peak moments of construction. The by-pass construction tasks included crossing Byron road with 12 inch sanitary pipe, including a 23 foot deep connection to an existing sanitary manhole, installation of 12 inch watermain also crossing Byron Road, 24” concrete storm sewer culvert piping, new asphalt pavement, concrete curbing, restoration and seeding of the Byron road right of way and all related construction traffic signage.
The remaining scope of work for the Trailside development includes tree clearing, 50,000 cubic yards of onsite soil balancing/compaction, 5100 Syds of new sand subbase, aggregate base and asphalt paving, 2800 lft of storm sewer piping, 2300 lft of sanitary sewer piping, 2300 lft of ductile watermain and 1350 lft of copper water services, 13 acres of seeding and related soil erosion controls.